AMRAP Fitness

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10/14 Thursday - Are all body types created equal?

By: Coach Ray Traitz 

The first question you need to answer is,  “Which body am I?”.

Also one needs to understand that you can be a hybrid or in-between two body types. 

Humans are clearly not all the same. We like different things, foods, styles, etc. Therefore, in terms of our health, fitness, and physique we should not and can not train the same. In addition, definitely can not eat the same either. 

The results will not be the same. 

Here is where hiring a certified & experienced professional will guide you toward working smarter and not harder. 

Your body type and genetic potential should be pointed out and realistic goals should be set for you. 

If you are still confused or need clarification, then you should consider hiring a certified, educated, and experienced nutrition coach. Like Coach Ray Traitz 👍🏽.

Lucky for you AMRAP Fitness can help you with your nutrition needs remotely. We have been helping people all over the planet. 

What do you have to lose?

⭐️ Lucky for you AMRAP Fitness provides nutrition, supplementing, & training advice ⭐️