10/22 Friday - Strength Movement Of The Week
Video: Banded straight arm pull down/ Standing banded rows/ banded face pulls
Straight-Arm Pulldown Benefits
Enhanced mind-muscle connection. The straight-arm pulldown is ideal for lifters who can’t feel their lats working on traditional pulldown exercises. Keeping the arms straight prevents the mid-back and biceps from taking over the movement, so you can focus on the lat muscles you’re trying to work more directly.
Greater range of motion than standard pulldowns.
Improved stability on deadlifts. The straight-arm pulldown strengthens the lats in the same way that they’re used when deadlifting—pulling the bar tight to your body (“bending” it around the shins at the bottom of the lift/around the hips at the top). The ability to keep the bar in contact with your body throughout a deadlift creates a stronger, more stable movement and reduces the risk of injury.
Standing Row With Resistance Band
Band VS Weights
Doing your rows with a resistance band gives you several advantages over doing them with your free weights or a cable machine.
Don’t leave results on the table! You are leaving results on the table by using either the wrong resistance bands or the wrong workout plan. No worries, we got you covered – take our free workout plan tailored for your goals here and make sure to check out our perfectly tuned set of resistance bands here.
Follow the natural strength curve of your muscle! The resistance of a band will always increase the more you stretch it and that’s also the natural strength curve of your muscle, having the most power in the full contraction. With a cable machine or on a pull-up bar, you often fatigue in the expanded part of your muscle without fully fatiguing the whole muscle.
Overload at home! There’s almost no way to build your back muscles at home without additional equipment or a bar. Resistance bands are a great way to use at home
Flexibility! with bands you can use a grip you want without and additional equipment, depending on what muscle area you want to focus on your standing rows.
There are also more reasons to favor resistance bands over traditional free weights, like reducing the stress on your joints, getting more peak contraction, and many more
Banded face pull benefits
Better Shoulder Health
As a whole, this movement can be done to prepare for pressing days, overhead workouts, or simply to bulletproof a very vulnerable yet highly critical joint (the shoulder) for all strength, power, and fitness athletes. By improving general shoulder health, movement mechanics, and increased muscular control and strength, we can work towards minimizing injury due to muscle imbalances or poor movement mechanics at the shoulder joint and surrounding areas.
Increased Scapular Stability
Scapular instability can lead to a slew of issues for strength, power, and fines athletes, as we are often asked to hoist large, heavy, and sometimes bone crushing loads overhead. Without proper scapular stability in such movements like jerks, snatches, bench presses, and max effort circus presses, our shoulder joints could be doomed. While banded face pulls are not 100% effective at preventing injury from training and/or competition, they can be done to increase muscular development (see below), increase neurological feedback (see below), and increase shoulder joint function and health.
Enhanced Neurological Feedback
When we develop better movement patterns as a result of training smaller, more finite motor units, (in congruence with large gross motor patterns), we can work to increase neurological feedback, which helps us receive information and control movement at smaller levels (often involuntarily). This is highly beneficial and often needed for many strength, power, and fitness athletes during intense training and competition as these are the types of muscles and movements that often result in injury when not trained properly and/or neglected.
Upper Shoulder and Back Strength
When all’s said and done, increasing the above attributes will often result in greater shoulder and back health and development. Over time, the ability to train continually injury free and recover from each session will result in more reps performed, more muscle mass created, and a snowball effect of positive performance.
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