AMRAP Fitness

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1/1 Friday New Years Day

New Years Day 


Plank warm-up #1

30-second plank on forearms

  1. -7 push-ups

  2. 30-second plank on hands

  3. -7 mountain climbers

  4. 30-second plank on the right hand

  5. -7 toe touches from the position above

  6. 30-second plank on the left hand

  7. -7 toe touches from the position above

  8. 30 seconds plank on hands

  9. -7 knee tucks


4 rounds of:

7 Single leg deadlift R

7 Single arm OH lunges L

7 Lateral lunges bicep curl + OH press R

7 Single leg deadlift L

7 Single arm OH lunges R

7 Lateral lunges bicep curl + OH press L
