AMRAP Fitness

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7/19 Wednesday

Warm up 

SB warm up #1

3x 6-10 (depending on load) reps of:

  1. Bear hug squats

  2. Walking Sampson stretch

  3. Deadlifts

  4. Dynamic walk

  5. Ground  to shoulder

  6. Inchworm + downward dog

  7. Shoulder to overhead

  8. Walking pigeon


🎰🃏💰 Casino Royale 💰🃏🎰

Buy in:

5 minute AMRAP 

7 TTB/ Leg lifts


Shuttle run (20 seconds)

*3 minute rest period


6 minute AMRAP

7 Dips 

4 SB cleans

4 Burpees over SB

*3 minute rest period

Cash out:

7 minute AMRAP

7 box jumps/ squat jumps

5 KB snatch L

5 KB snatch R

4 burpees

