10/7 Thursday - Walking can help you lose weight
By: Coach Ray Traitz
It’s true. Think about it. You definitely burn more calories if you walk rather than sitting on the couch. In addition, standing also burns more calories than just sitting or lying around.
Basically what you are doing is increasing your NEAT.
By definition: Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating, or sports-like exercise. It ranges from the energy expended walking to work, typing, performing yard work, undertaking agricultural tasks, and fidgeting.
So, back to walking… think about it. If you do nothing and do NOT change anything nutrition-wise. Then you add 20 minutes of walking a day you will be burning more calories.
Therefore, possibly placing yourself in a slight or caloric deficit.
If you walk more you burn more. If you eat less and walk more there is more of a deficit.
You will lose weight!
Simple math…
Calories in and calories out.
If you are still confused or need clarification, then you should consider hiring a certified, educated, and experienced nutrition coach. Like Coach Ray Traitz 👍🏽.
Lucky for you AMRAP Fitness can help you with your nutrition needs remotely. We have been helping people all over the planet.
What do you have to lose?
⭐️ Lucky for you AMRAP Fitness provides nutrition, supplementing, & training advice ⭐️