The road to healthful eating doesn’t get any easier after Halloween (see blog on Halloween candy). With a cornucopia of foods displayed on the table in front of you, it can be difficult to resist stuffing your plate to the brim. In the spirit of the holiday, there shouldn’t have to be many sacrifices. Enjoy your time with family and friends and indulge in seasonal delicacies.
Keep in mind portion sizes and set up a plan of attack when the day comes so you can enjoy Thanksgiving without worrying about eating excessively. Follow these simple suggestions below for an enjoyable and worry-free Thanksgiving.
Eat a Wholesome Breakfast: Regardless of the day, skipping a meal (especially breakfast) should never be a viable option. Eating a nourishing breakfast can suppress your hunger and provide energy throughout the day. Eat a well-portioned meal of fiber-rich fruits, veggies, whole grains and include a lean protein source such low-fat milk, greek yogurt, or eggs to start your day off right!
Keep Active: The gym might be closed on Thanksgiving but don’t use it as an excuse to be inactive. Sign up for a local Turkey Trot Run/walk or go on a hike. It’s a good way to stay active and it can be fun for the whole family.
Avoid Grazing: Relentless snacking will be a caloric killer long before you sit down for the big meal. Have a small lunch three or four hours before the big meal if you are feeling hungry, but don’t spoil your appetite.
Put Food Away Before Eating: If you have a little time before sitting down to eat, put some food into containers, and store it away. It’s an inevitable conclusion that you will have leftovers for future meals; don’t feel like you have to eat everything in front of you that night.
Load Your Plate with Veggies: As long as they aren’t covered with cheese, garnished in sugar, cooked in loads of butter, gelatinized, excessively salted or all of the above, fruits and veggies are a wholesome option. When you’re at the table, choose salad, squash, broccoli, fruit salad, sweet potatoes, and green beans. Raw fruits and vegetables typically contain more fiber but cooked is always a feasible option.
Drink Water Periodically: It may sound like common sense to drink an adequate amount of water, but proper hydration may aid in suppressing hunger (1). Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day to help keep your snacking to a minimum.
Eat Slowly: Thanksgiving is about enjoying your meal and conversing with good people. Savior the moment and eat slowly; this holiday only comes by once a year.
Post-meal Activity: Don’t go too overboard with an activity; After all, you did just eat a hearty meal. A 30-minute walk is a practical and interactive way to get some exercise and spend some quality time with family and friends before the day comes to a close.
Check this additional blog out for smart eating during the holidays.
Dennis EA, Dengo AL, Comber DL, Flack KD, Savla J, Davy KP, Davy BM. Water consumption increases weight loss during a hypocaloric diet intervention in middle-aged and older adults. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2010 Feb;18(2):300-7. doi: 10.1038/oby.2009.235. Epub 2009 Aug 6.