1/18 Thursday

Warm Up 

Combo activation #9

  1. *With a strap/belt/band/PVC pipe/ broom stick 

  2. *10 OHS with a 5 second pause

  3. *10 paces (steps) OH duck walk

  4. 5 downward dogs with 5 second pause (stretch shoulders and calves)

  5. *10 OH lateral lunges

  6. 5 inchworm + cobra with a 5 second pause


🎰🃏💰 Casino Royale 💰🃏🎰

Buy in:

6 minutes of:

5 SB ground to over head

25 single unders jumprope/ 15 DU

*2 minute rest period


6 minutes of:

4 SB squat clean

4 burpees over SB

*2 minute rest period

Cash out:

6 minutes of:

8 SB deadlifts

8 mountain climbers



Ray Traitz