3/28 Tuesday

Warm up 

Agility complex

*Coach's choice cardio*

3 minutes

2 rounds of:

5m - 10m - 15m

  1. Forward/ backward

  2. Shuffle

  3. Carioca

  4. Sprinting

  5. *10m broad jumps*


🎰🃏💰 Casino Royale 💰🃏🎰

Buy in:

Complete the following:

100m sprint

20 pull ups

100m sprint

15 pull ups

100m sprint

10 pull ups

100m sprint

5 pull ups

*3 minute rest period


Complete the following:

15 mountain climbers

10 push ups

3 tucks

15 mountain climbers

20 push ups

3 tucks

15 mountain climbers

30 push ups

3 tucks

*3 minute rest period

Cash out:

Complete the following:

50 double unders

40 jump lunges

50 double unders

30 jump lunges

50 double unders

20 jump lunges

50 double unders

10 jump lunges



Ray Traitz