Week 23 of 25 


You might find it fairly interesting that simply decluttering your home offers a variety of psychological health benefits.

Researchers are finding that it helps alleviate depression. It also boosts self-confidence and helps create a positive outlook.

If you find that implementing any of these tips is simply impossible because you do not feel like it, this particular tip is the gateway to being able to start one.

Decluttering your home will make you feel better and give you the motivation to, perhaps, tackle another tip or all of the others.

One particular strategy to declutter is to create a junk drawer.

Anything you want but do not use, toss it in a designated junk drawer. The important thing to consider is that the size of the drawer is what determines how much junk you get to keep.

Do not exceed the size of the junk drawer by using two drawers. This practice leads to a junk bureau, which, in turn, circles back to a junk house.

Additionally, do not create a junk room (think garage, basement, attic, or shed). Anything that cannot fit into the junk drawer, donate it.

To take the junk drawer one step further, wait a couple of days and then go through the junk drawer.

You will find many of the things you kept you don’t need and can toss or donate.

Another effective way to declutter is by adhering to the so-called three-day rule.

Imagine being locked in your home for three days. By the end of the third day, what items will you have used?

If you do not imagine yourself using an item within those three days, put it in the junk drawer.

If it will not fit, you obviously have too much stuff that you will rarely use.

Declutter your home, and you will feel fresh, ready, and eager to tackle many more self-help tips.


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Ray Traitz