6/18 Friday - Strength Movement Of The Week
Sorce- Westside Barbell
The upper back is one of the most important links in the posterior chain. A weak upper back can cause you to lose your torso posture during squats, lose your arch during bench, and miss deadlifts at lockout.
Considering the important role this muscle group plays in the squat, bench, and deadlift, it is crucial to develop these muscles properly. Here are exercises and guidelines to explain how to include upper back training into your accessory work.
These two are included together because they are an interchangeable week to week option to finish up your upper back training. For face pulls, you will want to use the tricep rope. Initiate the pull by utilizing your upper back and rear deltoids while keeping your elbows elevated at about ear level.
You should lockout with your elbows at ear height with your hands elevated at forehead level. Band pull aparts are performed with a mini-band or light-band at chest level. Focus on using your upper back and rear delts to initiate the pull.
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