6/4 Tuesday

Warm up 

Double DB warm up

3x *reps coach’s choice 

  1. Deadlifts

  2. Lateral jumps over DBs

  3. Squats

  4. Lateral jumps over DBs

  5. Press

  6. Lateral jumps over DBs

  7. Power cleans

  8. Lateral jumps over DBs

  9. Thrusters 

  10. Lateral jumps over DBs

Partner WOD

🎰🃏💰 Casino Royale 💰🃏🎰

*Ping pong the following*

Buy in:

6 minutes of:

6 alternating DB snatches

6 box jumps/ squat jumps

*2 minute rest period


6 minutes of:

5 DB hang power cleans

Push ups w/5 m/8

*2 minute rest period

Cash out:

6 minutes of:

7 DB shoulder to OH

5 V ups



Ray Traitz