8/19 MISTAKE #8: Choosing a Diet Food Based on One Nutritional Component

By Thin Slim Foods

I starting learning about eating and training for maximum impact (depending on my specific goals) while in late high school and college.

The foods I chose had one major thing in common: lots of protein.

By focusing on one macronutrient I wound up not paying attention to ingredients, to blood sugar impact, or to caloric content.

The Fix

No matter the macronutrient or healthy eating lifestyle, focusing on only one figure does not provide the full picture.

Even if your focus is on staying low carb - if you overdo it with poor quality fats or fats in general (there is an upper limit) you will not see the results you desire.

Instead, learn to look at all aspects of food so you can compare it to other options and find the best one in the moment.

If you are struggling with what "the best one" is, reach out to us. We don't typically provide diet advice, but we can point you in the right direction based on the type of eating lifestyle you are focusing on.

High Protein Options

This leads to a second, related point. Don't be led astray by the huge variety of "High Protein" foods now available. Most of these are just overpriced junk food with whey or soy protein added to beef up the protein content.

In some instances it is the same food as before, just rebranded as "High Protein".

You'll notice ThinSlimFoods never does this. The reason is that it is superfluous.

Instead, we focus on minimizing calories and carbs and leave the 'add ons' to you whether through shakes or otherwise. That way you can customize it to your needs.

Plus, making something both low in carbs and low in calories is truly a craft - whereas making something just low fat, just low carb, or just high protein is easy. If you'd ever like to do that just do a quick search on Pinterest for 101 recipes.

Ray Traitz