11/29 Friday

Warm Up 

Agility complex #2

*Coach's choice cardio/ 2 minutes*

2 rounds of:

5m - 10m - 15m

  1. Forward/ backward

  2. Worlds greatest stretch for 30 seconds on each side

  3. Shuffle

  4. Sampson stretch 30 sends on each side

  5. Carioca

  6. 10 bootstrap squats

  7. 10 mountain climbers


Tabata the following:

1-Shuttle run

Rest 2 minutes

2- Mountain climbers 

Rest 2 minutes

3- Jump rope

Rest 2 minutes

4- Burpees

Ca$h out


Ray Traitz
11/28 Thursday

Warm Up 

Dynamic DB warm-up

3 x 10 reps

  1. Farmers carry

  2. Deadlifts

  3. Walking pigeon 

  4. OH carry

  5. Front squats

  6. Dynamic walk

  7. Front rack carry

  8. Presses 

  9. OH carry


4 rounds of:

15 Plank up-downs off box

15 Box jumps/ squat jumps


15 Renegade rows

15 DB sit ups


Ray Traitz
11/27 Wednesday


Dumbbell complex warm-up #3


  1. Single leg deadlifts

  2. Alt press 

  3. Alt bent over row

  4. Reverse lunge + rotation

  5. Windmill (3 on each side)

  6. TGU (3 on each side)

Partner WOD

Complete the following in a ping-pong fashion:

5x 7 gorilla DB rows

5x 5 DB hang squat cleans

5x 20-second sprint

5x 7 v-ups

5x 8 ALT DB snatches

5x 20-second sprint

Ray Traitz