1/8 Wednesday

Warm up 

Band warm up #2

3 x 15 reps

  1. Seated band rows

  2. Banded lunge with rotation (R/L)

  3. Banded standing press

  4. Dynamic walk

  5. Bicycles

  6. Banded diagonal wood chops

  7. Walking lunge with Sampson


🎰🃏💰 Casino Royale 💰🃏🎰

Buy in:

3 minute AMRAP

Pull ups/ Face pulls

*3 minute rest period


3 minute AMRAP

With a low anchored band

Squat + row + rotation

*3 minute rest period

Cash out:

3 minute AMRAP

5 mountain climber 

15 DU or 30 singles (jump rope)

Ray Traitz