10/31 Thursday

Warm Up 

Twister warm-up

Use a light MB/KB/DB

3x 10 reps

  1. Russian twists

  2. Presses

  3. Squats

  4. Diagonal wood chops (R/L)

  5. Later jumps over the object 

  6. Plank toe touches  


4 rounds of:

1 minute 30-second run

30 hollow rocks

Ray Traitz
10/30 Wednesday


SB warm-up #5


  1. Walking Sampson 

  2. SB deadlifts

  3. Walking pigeon 

  4. SB squats

  5. Walking knee hugs

  6. SB cleans


20-minute AMRAP

4 SB squat thrusts

8 SB lateral jumps

6 SB lunges

12 SB deadlifts

Ray Traitz
10/29 Tuesday


Gymnastic warm-up #10

3 minutes jump rope

3x 10 reps

  1. OHS (bar or bands)

  2. Good mornings (bar or bands)

  3. Strict TTB/ V- ups

  4. Strict ring dips to true support/ feet elevated bench or box dips

  5. Towel pull-ups

  6. Flutter kicks

Partner WOD

15-minute ping pong

5 pull-ups

5 SB Ground to OH

5 SB thrusters

Ray Traitz
10/28 Monday

Warm Up 

Body weight warm-up #4

3x 10 reps

  1. Explosive split squats (stay in split)

  2. Thigh tap push-ups 

  3. 3 hollow rocks + 1 v-up

  4. 3 straddle reach throughs + 2 lateral lunges

  5. Ring/TRX/ sheet /doorway/ band rows

  6. Single leg DL (5R/5L)


🎰🃏💰 Casino Royale 💰🃏🎰

Buy in:

6 minutes of:

5 burpees

6 prisoner step ups

*2-minute rest period


6 minutes of:

5 reps, 5 mountain climber stand up

20 DU or 20 single unders (jump rope)

*2-minute rest period


6 minutes of:

3 burpee box jump or step up

15 banded SDHP

*2-minute rest period


6 minutes of:

5 burpees

6 prisoner step ups

Ray Traitz